Birthday Book Launch

My wish came true. I am now a published author!

At first, I had no intention of writing a book.  I was living my hum-drum life, married for 20 years, and a mother of two teenage boys.  My life was full, my children were growing, our business was flourishing, and all seemed to be right with the world.

A few years back, my life had shifted, and I had decided to keep my personal shift to myself.  Until I didn’t want to anymore and I began to write my own very personal story.  

It began with some conversations with my oldest son and his friends one day about some of the crazy experiences that his father and I had together over the years.  His father and I met when I was 14 years old.  

We had plenty of stories about our crazy times over the years together.  Before I knew it, after my husband and I shared a few memories with the teenage crew, they ended up with their jaws on the table.  My husband and I looked at each other and realized we have weathered some serious storms both together and separately.

I paused and thought about sharing more than just a few stories with some teenagers. I thought about sharing everything and making our stories, my story, more than just a funny and crazy breakfast conversation over some Cheerios.  I began making a mental inventory of stories and experiences.  The stories swirled and eventually kept me up at night.

I began writing on my own and realized I needed some help to guide me, coach me, and keep me on the right track to take this “writing thing” to a bigger audience.  I remembered someone I had met years ago through an entirely different group who had remained in my periphery on social media, Samantha Joy with Landon Hail Press.  

I remembered she had successfully published a book on her own a while back and noticed she had begun to guide others to do the same.  So, I reached out to her.

Sam loved the premise of my “book”, which I had thought would be just a small collection of essays.  We started working together right away, had regular meetings to teach, guide, brainstorm and make the necessary steps to make this “book thing” a reality.

Sam connected me with my editor, Kathryn, introduced me to a photographer and website designer and my “book thing” was not just a thing anymore.  It became REALITY!  It was a lot of work, a lot of self-doubt, but now that it is here this makes this all the more special.

I am thrilled to announce that my story, LOVELY DISASTER, is available today on Amazon!

While this is my very first book, I have already begun writing another fictional book instead.  I am thrilled this day is here and so incredibly excited and proud to share it with all of you.

It will be available on Amazon at an introductory price of $9.99 through Saturday!  I would be overjoyed if you would purchase and leave a 5 star review to help this book become a bestseller!

It has been a team effort from day one and now I am calling on all of you to help me become a bestselling author!!

I can’t wait for you to read my book – I love it and I am so proud of it.  I truly hope you do too!

- Erin



Thanks for the LOVE!


Book Cover Revealed